GED® Testing in White Mills PA


Looking for GED® testing in White Mills PA? The exam is only offered in pencil and paper format. Usually in order to take the exam the test taker must be over 17 years old. The testing fee in the state of Pennsylvania varies from $40 to $90.

The GED® examination consists of five topics: language arts (reading), language arts (writing), mathematics, science and social studies. Each section awards a score between 200-800. Most states require test takers to receive a score of 410 on each of the five topics and an overall average of 450 for the exam to pass.

Most GED® testing in White Mills PA is offered at:

  • White Mills Literacy Centers
  • White Mills ISD
  • White Mills High Schools
  • White Mills Community Colleges

Directory of GED® Testing Sites in White Mills PA

Wayne Highlands SD
459 Terrace St.
Honesdale PA,
Phone: 570-253-5900
2.37 miles away

Northeast Intermediate School
Adams Ave. & Gibson St.
Scranton PA,
Phone: 570-348-3568
23.99 miles away

Lackawanna College
501 Vine St.
Scranton PA,
Phone: 570-961-7847
24.31 miles away

Delaware Valley HS
252 Route 6 And 209
Milford PA,
Phone: 570)296-1850
24.71 miles away