GED® Testing in Stewartstown PA


Looking for GED® testing in Stewartstown PA? The GED® exam is only given in pencil and paper format. Typically in order to sit for the exam the test taker must be over 17 years old. The GED® examination fee in the state of Pennsylvania ranges from $40 to $90.

The exam covers five topics: reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Each section of the test awards a score between 200-800. Many states require students to get a score of 410 on each of the five tests and an overall average of 450 for the GED® exam to pass.

Typically GED® testing locations in Stewartstown PA are offered at:

  • Stewartstown Community Colleges
  • Stewartstown ISD
  • Stewartstown Literacy Centers
  • Stewartstown High Schools

Directory of GED® Testing Sites in Stewartstown PA

York Co Sch of Technology
2179 S. Queen St.
York PA,
Phone: 717-741-0820 x4300
9.37 miles away

Wm. Penn Sr. HS
101 W. College Ave.
York PA,
Phone: 717-849-1218
12.10 miles away

Lancaster CareerLink
1016 N. Charlotte St.
Lancaster PA,
Phone: 717-606-1389
22.88 miles away

Lincoln IU 12
65 Billerbeck Rd.
New Oxford PA,
Phone: 717-624-6412
23.68 miles away

Harford Community College
401 Thomas Run Road
Bel Air, MD
Phone: 443-412-2000
24.02 miles away