GED® Testing in Clark PA


Are you ready to take your GED® exam in Clark PA? The exam is only given in pencil and paper format. Typically to be able to take the test the student must be over 17 years old. The examination cost in the state of Pennsylvania typically ranges from $40 to $90.

The exam covers five tests: language arts (reading), language arts (writing), mathematics, science and social studies. Each section awards a score between 200 and 800. Most states require test takers to receive a score of 410 on each of the five topics and an overall average of 450 for the GED® test to pass.

Usually GED® testing locations in Clark PA are offered at:

  • Clark Community Colleges
  • Clark ISD
  • Clark Literacy Centers
  • Clark High Schools

Directory of GED® Testing in Clark PA

Mercer Co. Career Center
776 Greenville Rd
Mercer PA,
Phone: 724-662-3000 x1635
9.41 miles away

Youngstown City Schools
200 East Wood St.
Youngstown, OH
Phone: 330-744-8715
17.26 miles away

Trumbull County Career and Technical Center
528 Educational Highway
Warren, OH
Phone: 330-847-0503 x1611
20.88 miles away

Lawrence Co. AVTS
750 Phelps Way
New Castle PA,
Phone: 724-658-3583 x7110
21.92 miles away