GED® Testing in East Randolph NY


Are you looking for GED® testing in East Randolph NY? The exam is only given in pencil and paper format. Typically in order to sit for the GED® test the test taker must be over 17 years old. The examination fee in the state of New York typically ranges from $40 to $90.

The GED® exam consists of five topics: reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies. Each part of the test gives a score between 200 and 800. Most states require students to get a score of 410 on each of the five sections and an overall average of 450 for the GED® exam to pass.

Most GED® testing in East Randolph NY is offered at:

  • East Randolph Literacy Centers
  • East Randolph ISD
  • East Randolph High Schools
  • East Randolph Community Colleges

Directory of GED® Testing Sites in East Randolph NY

Jamestown GED® Test Center
200 E. 4th Street
Jamestown, NY
Phone: 716-366-9325
15.84 miles away

BOCES Center at Ellicottville
5550 Route 242 East
Ellicottville, NY
Phone: 716-376-8214
19.26 miles away

Floyd C. Fretz Middle Sch.
150 Lorana Ave
Bradford PA,
Phone: 814-362-3845 x5318
22.09 miles away

Hewes Educational Center
2615 N. Maple Ave
Ashville, NY
Phone: 716-763-1801
22.88 miles away

Warren/Forest Higher Education Council
185 Hospital Drive
Warren PA,
Phone: 814-723-3222 x23
22.93 miles away